Distance contract
This one distance contract based on to Consumer rights protection Article 10 of the law and the Minister according to cabinet regulations No. 207 of May 28, 2002 " Regulations on distance contracts ", concluded between SIA "Helmand Baltics" , UR single reg. No. 40203461605, hereinafter in the text - Seller , from one parties , and the Buyer - physical person , on the other hand parties , for the obligations that arose To the buyer ordering one or several , same or different Goods, hereinafter in the text - Product , paying for it in the invoice the specified Product price , but to the Seller confirming the order of the Product and ensuring the delivery of the Product to The buyer indicated deliveries address .
1. Order design order .
1.1. Buyer independently completes the Product order With on the Internet help , completely getting to know each other With home on the page www.helmand.lv information about the Product , in it in number With this terms of the contract and delivery (www.helmand.lv/piegāde) and sends it to the Seller , specifying also your personal data , places of residence and deliveries address and bank properties .
1.2. Successfully designing order , to buyer's e- mail yes sent confirmation email. If you do not receive a confirmation email received , need to contact With seller .
1.3. Seller after The buyer order receipt of one (1) work days at a time confirms it electronically sending To the buyer offer With characteristics and technical specifications of the selected Product data , price ( with and without VAT), payment and delivery deadlines , warranty and after-sales service services as _ also invoice With for all for those in need The seller banks properties to _ Buyer could perform payment for the order .
2. Product price and payments order .
2.1. Product price have got price , for what Seller sold Product To the buyer .
2.2. If the relevant Product has indicated them the minimum price (" starting from EUR"), which extent have got depends on the technical characteristics of the Product indicators , then the exact price of the Product Seller indicates confirmation in the offer .
2.3. Buyer after agreement With Seller's payment of the Product performed in Euro currency (EUR) based on to The seller compiled bill , to The seller indicated banks account three (3) jobs day during the invoice receipt days .
2.4. For payment day yes considered the day when in the invoice indicated the amount of money is entered The seller banks in the account .
2.5. Payment possible perform With payment cards or prepaid invoice paying from your internet banks .
3. Order performance order .
3.1. Order execution yes started With the moment when Seller have got confirmed order and the Buyer have got done by full payment of the Product .
3.2. Order performance due date have got depends on the selected Product category and selected deliveries or receipt kind of , but no more as two (2) weeks from the order approvals days . Maximum deliveries time have got applicable to goods or reserves parts which _ is not located our in stock and is must be ordered from the manufacturer .
If the manufacturer unable to to supply product for 14 days during , then longer deliveries deadlines yes agreed upon With buyer before order carrying out .
3.3. All items that are published and are available for purchase on the Internet on the website www. helmand.lv , a is found in the warehouse of SIA "Helmand Baltics" and is available sent out and delivered in 1-3 days day at a time .
3.4. SIA "Helmand Baltics" cannot to guarantee goods deliveries term , if any happened unexpected delay from the courier company party which _ carried out goods delivery .
3.5. Order yes considered fulfilled _ at the moment when Product actually yes transferred To the buyer . Order receipt confirmation Integral ingredient have got The seller issued waybill With The buyer or so authorized representative signature and signature transcript .
3.5.1. if in the order in the specified deliveries at a time Buyer or so the trustee representative is not located in advance in the specified deliveries at , Product yes returned The seller in stock , and repeated delivery To the buyer have got to be paid according to With to those specified deliveries tariffs ;
3.5.2. if the Seller have got done by two repeated deliveries Orders to The buyer indicated address in advance in the specified during , but the Buyer or so the trustee there was no representative occurs in the specified at the address and time of the Seller obligations yes considered fulfilled . _ To the seller have got rights refuse further deliveries options , and the Buyer obligation have got himself arrive The seller in stock and receive Product .
3.6. After Order execution The seller obligations against Buyer yes considered fulfilled . _
3.7. Property rights to Product and related _ _ responsibility passes from the Seller to the Buyer upon delivery of the Product at the moment .
4. Parties rights and duties .
4.1. Seller Undertakes :
4.1.1. to sell The product and deliver it according to With order ;
4.1.2. to provide complete information about the Product and its manufacturer ;
4.1.3. inform ( also electronically ) Buyer 's order performance condition changes , if during , while Seller performs order , changing Product delivery deadlines ;
4.1.4. to consider The buyer claims in relation to With Product , order performance deadlines or quality reasonable within the deadline , providing about it To the buyer own answer after essences ;
4.1.5. no later than 30 ( thirty ) days at a time repay To the buyer her actually performed payment for the Product , if the Seller unable to carry out order Appropriately so conditions and the Buyer has not given consent to their changes ;
4.1.6. The buyer in the order indicate it _ _ _ personal information in it _ _ in number banks properties , use only in relation to With bill drawing up an order payment and order execution .
4.2. To the seller have got rights :
4.2.1. after order receipt ambiguity in case by telephone get in touch With I bought to would clarify in the order indicated information about the chosen one Product or Buyer ;
4.2.2. do not initiate order execution if not received specified payment for the Buyer ordered Goods ;
4.2.3. do not accept claims about non-conformity of the Product and conformity of the Product With this of the contract Section 7 , if the Product have got visually and/ or technically damages that have occurred The buyer guilt due to and which restricts further Goods implementation and/ or return back to the Product manufacturer .
4.3. To the seller have got rights unilaterally to change _ this of the contract content without infringing In force existing normative act requirements . This one requirement does not apply to them for orders which have got performance in process . Changes _ _ standing _ _ In force _ with its publication moment in this home on the page .
4.4. Buyer Undertakes :
4.4.1. designing order , provide true and accurate information about the chosen one Goods and yourself to _ Seller could carry out own obligations in full to the extent of uncertainty in case electronically or by telephone contacting the Seller after consultations ;
4.4.2. to pay Product according to With in the order and invoice the indicated price of the Product ;
4.4.3. accept Product in the order in the specified deliveries within the deadline .
4.5. To the buyer have got rights :
4.5.1. receive Product Appropriately for the order ;
4.5.2. receive back paid money for the Product , if the Seller unable to carry out order Appropriately so conditions and the Buyer has not given consent to their changes ;
4.5.3. Product guarantees deadline at a time submit claims about the quality of the Product .
5. Product quality and warranty .
5.1. Seller have got responsible for the sale and delivery of quality Goods according to the Product's technical specifications for specification and order .
5.2. Sides agrees that Product guarantees time is 24 ( twenty four ) months from the day when Product have got delivered To the buyer and transferred To the buyer in use . Warranty have got valid if the Buyer comply with the operation of the Product rules and use the Goods accordingly them technical for the specification .
The product is sent for warranty repair, and if it is determined that there are no defects, the warranty service will issue us an invoice for the diagnostics, which will be forwarded to the customer along with the shipping costs to/from the warranty service. After the invoice is paid, the product will be sent back to the customer.
6. Parties responsibility .
6.1. Parties for their own obligation execution have got completely responsible according to With In force existing ones regulatory ones to the acts .
6.2. If this of the contract performance at a time to one of the Parties arises what insurmountable powers obstacles that defy Parties for influence and control , then so Party to which these obstacles disturbs , inform the other For the party , let would agree on further action
7. Refusal rights .
7.1. Refusal rights have got The buyer rights specified within the deadline unilaterally withdraw from the contract without paying To the seller loss compensation . Refusal dispatch specified within the deadline stop it contract and released I bought from anyone for contractual obligations , except costs associated with by returning the Product back To the seller .
7.2. To the buyer have got rights refuse the product on 14 ( fourteen ) calendar days day during the receipt of the Product of the moment , sending The seller refused letter ( refusal rights form available here www.helmand.lv/ateikums) to address : sales@helmand.lv.
7.3. The buyer obligation is 7 ( seven ) days at a time after written refusal sending give back Product To the seller . All of them expenses that will arise in relation to with the shipment of the Product back To the seller , cover Buyer .
7.4. Using rights reject the Product, Buyer have got responsible for product quality and safety preservation as _ also about the value of the Product any kind of decrease , if so have got used in such a way in a way that is incompatible With good beliefs principle , including used in another purpose , not the characteristics of the Product or actions for clarification . The opposite in case Seller keep rights Product do not accept back .
7.5. Seller after refusal letter and receipt of the Product immediately , but not later as 30 ( thirty ) days at a time repay To the buyer to The buyer indicated banks account their money the amount for the Product paid . The opposite in case the Seller will not receive refusal letter and/ or Product in this in the contract determined OK , Seller have got have a right to not repay To the buyer so paid money amount for the Product .
8. Dispute solutions order .
Any disputes and disagreements that could occur or will arise between For parties this of the contract performance during , Parties will be resolved mutual discussion on the way . If the agreement doesn't work reached , disputes question yes passed for consideration courts on the way according to With Latvian Republics regulatory ones to the acts .