Welcome to the doll world of Baby Born. It’s imaginative role play in colourful play worlds. Playing with Baby Born never gets boring! One day she is a baby that needs to be cared for, the next she is a friend and companion for great adventures both real and imaginary.It’s holiday time! There is always so much to explore and discover on holiday. Holidaymakers need shoes that they can wear in the water and still slip off quickly when it is time to hop in the sandpit. Baby Born’s shoes come in four different colours: yellow like the sun, green like grass, purple like lilac flowers and red like strawberry ice cream. With the cute pins, she can decorate the clogs however she likes. High-quality clothing for the Baby Born branded doll. For enhanced, diverse and long-lasting fun through play. Very easy to put on and take off.
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BABY BORN Shoes "Holiday"
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